We are insurance recovery experts with proven and experienced operators. It is critical to move quickly and decisively to achieved the desired outcome. Either a recovery or reach a decision to abandon. Our dynamic recoveries model is supported by a specific targeted skillset and industry expertise.
We are a company providing a specialist and dedicated Recoveries service to the insurance industry. For more than 20 years our insurance experts have refined a model to gain the best recovery outcome possible.
Speed and considered strategy are critical in securing valuable returns and our model provides greater claims cost certainty and a quicker claims cycle. We have extensive knowledge of how to get the attention of third-party insurers and uninsured third parties. Our goal is to provide a quick turnaround and timely outcomes without wasting your time and money. Our approach will provide you with superior returns.
The industry has a commoditised approach to insurance recoveries and does not achieve acceptable recovery rates. As a result – we exploit the gaps within the industry.
Most insurers and ‘debt collectors’ simply do not have the skill or experience to obtain maximum claims returns. Technology plays a role in maximising recoveries; however, currently the most important ingredient to success is having dedicated insurance recovery experts at the coal face.
Many organizations have a systematic approach with process driven principles. At Cosmic, we believe in creating a dynamic and robust recoveries model. We apply a firm, yet ethical approach to recovering funds and back ourselves to exceed their current result.
We have a relationship with a respected and insurance dedicated legal firm that is aligned to our model and is commercially astute. Although we firmly believe that legal representation is essential in some recovery effort, it is essential that any recovery service manages the associated costs including legal fees. As such, our fee model will provide total transparency to you without the risk of legal fee creep.
Our Team are experts having ‘lived and breathed’ all things Recoveries. Test us – you will not regret it.
We are insurance recovery experts with proven and experienced operators. It is critical to move quickly and decisively to achieved the desired outcome. Either a recovery or reach a decision to abandon. Our dynamic recoveries model is supported by a specific targeted skillset and industry expertise.
Insurance recoveries specialty is the core of our business. We back ourselves. Trial us on random selection of files and we will provide a superior outcome to you.